Vanessa Bryant continues to mourn the unexpected loss of her husband, NBA legend Kobe Bryant, and her 13-year-old Gianna, who were both killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California on January 26, 2020, along with seven other 7 victims — John Altobelli, Keri Altobelli and Alyssa Altobelli, Christina Mauser, Sarah Chester and Payton Chester, and pilot Ara Zobaya.
In a recent Instagram post, Vanessa revealed that she is honoring her loved ones with some permanent ink.
“I wanted my boo boo’s @kobebryant sweet message transferred on me,” Vanessa wrote in the caption. “@nikkohurtado came through for me. Thank you!” She later added: “Gigi’s sweet message transferred on me.”
Vanessa got her Kobe tattoo on her neck, while the Gigi tribute is on her wrist.
Long live Mamba and Mambacita.