Browns Team Plane Gets Water Cannon Treatment At Airport Like They Won The Super Bowl

Browns team plane gets water cannon at Cleveland airport / via Twitter

It was September 29, but that didn’t stop the firefighters at Cleveland Hopkins Airport from blasting the Browns team plane with water cannons upon landing after beating the Ravens 40-25 in what is looking like the AFC North title game. Possibly sensing that the division is wrapped up and a playoff home game is on the way, the firefighters gave the team plane the traditional blasting after a championship team plane lands back home.

Don’t look now, but the 2-2 Cleveland Browns are now at a 48% probability of making the playoffs. The Steelers and Bengals are a complete mess, the Ravens travel to Cleveland December 22 and a December schedule that favors the Browns to wrap up that division: @Steelers, Bengals, @Cardinals, Ravens, @Bengals. That’s five wins and the division and the firefighters know it. Wrapped up, folks. I would suggest getting your hotel reservations lined up for January. You can always cancel. I already have my AFC title game weekend reservation made.

Let’s get to the cannon blasting:

Yes, they’re all buying in…IT’S HAPPENING:

Here’s some other site trying to come up with probability numbers:

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