What a night for the Lions last night against Tommy Brady, a hero to Michigan fans who always knew they had a GOAT quarterback playing for them back in the late 1990s. The Lions got into the win column and a Matthew Stafford fan got herself a ring, an engagement ring from her guy Cody.
I’ve been wracking my brain trying to remember any other engagement situations at a football game that I’ve blogged and I’m drawing a blank. Of course we’ve been down this road a bunch of times via baseball fans and a majority of women we’ve pulled say a sporting event proposal is horrible, but then there’s the other camp that says if this is a special moment for the couple then go for it.
You have to think that Cody had this one circled when the schedules came out. My guess is that he’d been prepping, saving, mentally going over how it would all go down and the exact time during the game. He probably figured Tommy would have a huge game, the Patriots would get a win, his girlfriend Ali would get a ring and then he’d get engagement sex after getting home. Maybe even highway head.
Then things turned out the way they did and Ali got the W, the ring and I’m not hearing from my sources if she told his ass that it had been a long day and she had to get up early for work. That said, I hope Cody is ready to hear that for the rest of his life because it’s coming buddy. You throw a couple kids into the situation and you’ll be watching Sunday Night Football by yourself here in a couple years.
Fair warning bro.