Here they come! The future sports broadcasters Wyatt Buck and Blake Buck. The twins born today to Michelle Beisner and Joe Buck. The big question for dad Joe is which one gets his job calling Cardinals and NFL games on Amazon and which one gets blacklisted and has to call games on Fox once internet broadcasts overtake TV broadcasts and Amazon Sports becomes way more popular than Fox Sports. Think about all the changes coming in sports broadcasting when these twins get behind the mic in 22-24 years.
Joe turned 49 on Thursday. Quick math: He’ll be about 72 when he starts calling legit games with the chosen twin. Troy Aikman will be headed towards his mid-70s when these boys start working with the Cowboys legend.
From Michelle:
Welcome to the world Wyatt Joseph Buck and Blake Andrew Buck. What a ride we’ve been on. Now to see you. Smell you. Snuggle you. All worth every second of it. What a gift from God. Ok two. This is actually Joe typing this. I (Michelle) have baby brain and I need a nap. What a day!!!! Anyone seen a burger around here?