Ohio State Fan Given Little Hope To Ever Wake Up From Coma Can Now Respond That He Hates Michigan

Ohio State fan Zach Lawrence was in a bad car wreck in the Republic of Georgia back in March. Eventually he was transferred back to the States where doctors told his family that there was a slim chance he’d ever wake up. “Pretty much nonexistent” is what his wife was told.
And now here we are in July and there are miracles happening for Zach and his family. He’s getting better. And they know because he still hates Michigan.
From the Columbus Dispatch:

While recuperating at Dodd Hall Rehabilitation Center at Ohio State University, the Dublin resident was given one button to push for “yes” and another to push for “no.”

“Do you like Michigan?” he was asked.

Lawrence immediately pushed the “no” button. And then — just to make sure everyone had heard him the first time — he pushed it again.

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