Anthony Kiedis-Manziel Surfaces, My Favorite NFL Grandma & Vols Fan Offers Couch To Burn

We’re putting the Natty band back together this weekend in Toledo for some #MACtion
It was wild at the Battle at Bristol and it should be wild again Saturday in Toledo for the Natty & BC tailgate at the Battle of I-75 in Toledo against Bowling Green. Natty came through as a sponsor for the tailgate, which might be a first for the Internet and #MACtion. You know how this game is usually played. The big schools get all the sponsored tailgates and the #MACtion students are left hanging. GameDay won’t come to a MAC school (happened once) so these students & fans never have the chance to feel what it’s like to be in the big leagues. Not this Saturday. It’s on. There are less than 1,000 tickets left. The weather is going to be insane for October. There are not excuses for the locals. Get there. 10 a.m. Location: Rocket Hall, corner of Secor and the bike trail. Look for the BC logos.
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Ken Bone's Hot Wife, Staffords Step Out After Big Win & Pageviews Gets Wanded
Ken Bone's Hot Wife, Staffords Step Out After Big Win & Pageviews Gets Wanded