Liberty University Professor Destroys Student's Ray Lewis Report

You know how long I would last as a college professor? About 5 hours. Then I’d go nuts grading papers like this Liberty University professor who went off on @Whitn_ayyye‘s report on Ray Lewis, usually recognized as one of America’s most upstanding citizens – if you can overlook that Atlanta murder rap.
The Liberty U. prof can’t overlook it. Or the fact that there might be multiple baby mamas. There are. You might remember that Wes Welker’s Hooters model wife called out Ray Ray back in 2013 for having six kids with four women. That’s the kind of intel the Liberty U. prof. wants to see. He/she (I’m betting is a male prof.) wants the deep bio details, not just the fluff stuff you get off Wikipedia.
Are you a college student? Have a professor who destroyed your sports research? Are you a prof. who destroys reports? I want to see it. 
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