You have to appreciate the hustle from Pete Rose on the autograph circuit. The guy never fails to show up in Cooperstown on Hall of Fame weekend and, as he proved this weekend, the guy will put his name on pretty much anything.
Like tighty whities.
If you still think it’s tacky for Pete to sign autographs in Cooperstown, you’ll be happy to hear that John Rocker was in town for the festivities and was selling “Speak English” shirts. Maybe you’ve always wanted a Ryan Klesko autograph. He was signing right next to Rocker.
And if Rocker’s “Speak English” shirts weren’t tacky enough, John was offering up the chance to win the ultimate night out.
We can now all take it easy on Pete. At least the old timers like to sign next to Pete in the same card shop he’s always signed at. I once stopped in and Duke Snider was signing next to him. I passed Reggie Jackson on my way into the shop.
Rocker should be your new target.