Taiwanese Animators' SEC Bag Men Video Is Best SEC Animation I've Ever Seen

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=689O-Txd-jU]
Once again, the Taiwanese, who obviously don’t know shit about the SEC or college football in general, have done it again. They’ve gone out and made a video that ESPN won’t make. They’ve made a video CBS Sports won’t make. Even edgy Fox Sports 1 wouldn’t dare make such a video about the SEC.
Fat Auburn family: check.
Fat Georgia fan: check.
Bag men: check.
A Georgia bag man making it rain during a press conference: check.
Fat Tennessee fat eating at Waffle House: check.
This is an early contender for Taiwanese Animators’ Video of the Year. Amazing work, fellas.
GIF of the Year?

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