Tim Duncan's Girlfriend Vanessa Macias Blasts Heat Fans With A Flamethrower

Oh, it’s officially on. I SAID IT’S ON. There is officially a feud between Tim Duncan’s girlfriend, Vanessa Macias, and Miami Heat fans over what transpired late in the fourth quarter of Tuesday’s blowout. Macias, a TV/baseball game host/media personality, knows how to flamethrow. She can handle herself on Twitter. So she handled herself on Twitter by calling out Heat fans for leaving early.
This started it:

And then she dropped a Vine bomb right on the heads of the bleached blondes.
“Where’s everybody going.” Well, I assume they’re trying to beat the traffic to the bar.
[protected-iframe id=”431b689473ed7b310f64337cb1701686-22577676-23105199″ info=”https://vine.co/v/Mj5MqUgYwJZ/embed/simple” width=”600″ height=”600″ frameborder=”0″]
This is exactly what this series needs. There are only so many angles left to explore because Bobby Ramos pretty much covered it all during the post-game presser. When was the last time I saw the wife of a NBA Hall of Famer flamethrow like this? Uh, never.
2-1 Spurs.

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