Kobe Bryant’s girls’ basketball team photo is making the rounds today on all the blogs because of two lines from the caption where he mentions one of his players who had dance ahead of basketball in importance. In the next line Kobe says times have changed for that girl.
It’s a pretty typical dad post from a 41 year old just navigating the waters of parenting and life. Of course the shows are going to turn it into a debate topic, blah, blah, blah. It’s really a fun, innocent line and it’s going to be dissected to death. “Imagine if Kobe had a son….blah…blah…blah….” as if he’d be the overbearing dad just because he was one of the all-time greats.
From Kobe’s post:
Here’s our fourth place “winners” picture lol six of the kids in the picture stayed with me and worked every single day to get better and continue to work to this day. The 7th player (not in pic) missed this game for a dance recital so that should tell you where her focus was at this time, meaning she enjoyed dance more than ball which is fine. Now? She eats sleeps and breaths the game. So from this original group of 7 we have added a player TWO years YOUNGER (6th grade now), a player who’s team in our area folded and a player who’s family moved here from Tennessee. The beauty of coaching is growing the players from the ground up. That journey continues #mambas #2yearsago
Guys, it’s a jab. Coaches jab. Everything will be fine. The girl won’t be shook for life.