David Akers Went Full Wrestling Heel In Dallas As The Eagles Guest Picker


I had to throw this up this morning in case you guys missed it last night. Former Eagles kicker David Akers stepped on to that stage in Dallas and cut a heel promo for the ages before announcing the Eagles 2nd round pick. Just total scorched Earth right in the middle of home stadium of the Cowboys.
This is a kicker, people. A kicker. What a tear Philly has been on in 2018.

This is what makes the draft great. This is why the draft is blowing the NBA playoffs out of the water in ratings the last two days. For moments like this. And also because America has a full-blown addiction to football that will have us sitting in front of a tv watching names get read from a card for 3 days in a row, but that besides the point.

Somebody had to do it after this from last year in Philly


Meet Olicia Williams — Girlfriend of Alabama DB Anthony Averett
Meet Olicia Williams — Girlfriend of Alabama DB Anthony Averett