There's A Bill Belichick Erotica Book On Amazon To Read

Have you been jonesing for a Bill Belichick erotica novel where Bill is cruising San Francisco during Super Bowl 50 week just going nuts for some action? You’re in luck because author Sophia Miramontes, the brains behind such works as Donald Trump and Bill Clinton’s Hot As F**K Forbidden Romance, and Hillary Clinton Spanks the Naughty Feminists: Hot Wet Erotica, plus Donald Trump: Vampire Hunter: The Exclusive Interview Part 1, has released her newest book and it sounds like a blockbuster, especially amongst Patriots fans.
The gist of the story seems to be that Hoodie really needs tail & Harbaugh just might ruin his chances.
“Bill Belichick gets seduced by a woman with large breasts who may be up to no good,” according to the Amazon description.
Buy the Belichick erotica novel – just 99 cents.

Here’s where things get really weird: Sophia (@FartonBart) already follows BC. It’s like she’s taking BC content & turning it into fiction novels. She’s smart about her novel work. Take famous characters, give them a new life and the readers will pour in.
As for Belichick & his search for tail. We all know that Hoodie is doing pretty good for himself these days with Linda Holliday, his longtime girlfriend.

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