Andre Drummond

Aug 12, 2021

Andre Drummond Leaps Into Pool To Save Son Who Fell Into Water (VIDEO)

NOT ALL HEROS WEAR CAPES 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️A parents worst nightmare….. Feat my son & I 😂😂 No one was harmed in this video — Andre Drummond (@AndreDrummond) August 12, 2021 Andre Drummond was johnny on the spot after leaping into...

Andre Drummond Salty After Getting Posterized By James Johnson

    As a Clippers fan, I really wanted Doc to sign James Johnson in the offseason to fill out the bench. A versatile forward who can guard different types of players? Yes, please. Of course, it didn’t happen and...

Dec 19, 2014

Hawks Fail, Misspell Paul Millsap’s Name On Jersey

It has been a rough week for people who stitch names onto NBA jerseys. On Monday, Detroit Pistons center Andre Drummond had to swap out the jersey he started the game with in the second quarter because his surname was...

Nov 12, 2014

The Pistons Can’t Spell Andre Drummond’s Name Correctly

The man pictured above is Detroit Pistons center Andre Drummond. That is not how you spell his name. The good news is someone realized the flub on the 21-year-old’s jersey, allowing him to change into the correct version in the...

Nov 10, 2014