Twitter Data Shows Fans Overwhelmingly Rooting For Phillies In World Series

2023 World Series: Houston Astros vs. Philadelphia Phillies


The 2022 World Series is set with the Philadelphia Phillies set to take on the Houston Astros. After the Huston Astros completed their sweep of the New York Yankees and the Phillies made quick work of the San Diego Padres, the AL and NL champs will now face off for The Commissioner’s Trophy.

Game 1 of the World Series will take place on Friday, October 28 in Houston. The World Series will move to Philadelphia for Game 3 on Monday, October 31, while a potential Game 7 is scheduled for Saturday, November 5 back in Houston.

Every World Series game will air live on FOX and stream on the FOX Sports app.

The folks at analyzed geo-tagged keyword association Twitter data over the past week, tracking official fan hashtags for each team in every state to show who fans across the country are rooting for.

Since the World Series matchup was set last weekend, the betting site has been collecting all of the tweets containing official team hashtags, #RingTheBell (Phillies) and #LevelUp (Astros). It ran those tweets (nearly 200,000) through a geo-tracking program that showed which states each tweet came from.

When the results were in, MLB fans across the country overwhelmingly showed their support of the Philadelphia Phillies with 44 states wanting to see the team win over the Astros.

The six states rooting for Houston are Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

You can check out the full map below.

2022 world series rooting interest logo

  • Phillies – 44 states
  • Astros – 6 states
World Series Schedule 2023: Full List Of Games & TV Info
World Series Schedule 2023: Full List Of Games & TV Info