Adrian Peterson Owes Millions To Lenders

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It’s hard to believe Adrian Peterson, who has reportedly made $100 million during his NFL career, is broke and being sued for failing to pay back a $5.2 million loan. His attorney says people took advantage of AP. It’ll be interesting to hear about those who took advantage of AP, especially since he’s sitting on a 10,500 sq. ft. house in The Woodlands, Texas that appears to be underwater.

I’m not saying people didn’t take advantage of AP, but it might not be best to act like people taking advantage of AP was the reason he’s completely broke here. Remember the Arabian Nights 30th birthday when Jaime Foxx showed up? The 12-foot ice bar? Again, I’m going to stay out of AP’s wallet, or what’s left of it, and I’m not a financial expert, but I will venture to guess he’s not been the best with his cash. Do running backs with a short shelf life need a 7 bedroom, 13 bath house?

Adrian still owns this place, according to Montgomery County, Texas property tax records. He paid just over $5 million for it in 2013. Zillow values it at $2.9 million. In 2017, AP was trying to sell it for $8.5 million.

From Peterson’s attorney:

“The truth behind Adrian Peterson’s current financial situation is more than is being reported at this time,” attorney Chase Carlson said in a statement reported by Pro Football Talk. “Because of ongoing legal matters, I am unable to go into detail, but I will say this is yet another situation of an athlete trusting the wrong people and being taken advantage of by those he trusted. Adrian and his family look forward to sharing further details when appropriate.”

How bad is it for Purple Jesus?

The Athletic first reported Peterson was being sued in Pennsylvania lender for failing to pay back a $5.2 million loan. He’s also been ordered by a judge to pay back a $2.4 million loan in Maryland. Last year a Minnesota judge ordered him to pay back $600,000 on a different $2.4 million loan.

I spent hours Tuesday night going through Peterson court documents and it’s a huge mess to say the least. Multiple cases, multiple lawyers, multiple millions that lenders want back and lawyers that’ll eventually want paid. If you want to read the court documents, here’s where you start.

Here’s where the borrowed money went, according to court documents filed in Erie County, New York:


From the 30th birthday Arabian themed birthday party in 2015, about a year before borrowing $5.2 million to pay off other loans:

12-foot ice bar for the party:

More from the AP 30th birthday party from an ESPN report:

They found a lemur available for rent and a python that would drape like a scarf over Peterson’s shoulders. They imported a troupe of snake charmers out of Dallas and world-renowned belly dancers from New York. There was an elaborate tent city in Peterson’s backyard: Moroccan couches, velvet drapes, ice sculptures bearing Peterson’s initials, imported trees and a throne on which Peterson alone would be allowed to sit. The cake designer baked a royal palace flanked by a fondant camel and elephant. Wale agreed to perform. Jamie Foxx offered his services as a DJ. In the final hours before the party, more than 100 workers rushed to set up stripper poles, a hookah bar and a cigar humidor in a tent called the Man Cave.

“Even the port-a-potties were over the top, with silver sinks and shiny floors,” says Bobby Maze, one of Peterson’s closest friends. “You would have thought you were going to the bathroom at Ruth’s Chris.”

Adrian Peterson’s house:

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