Guy Behind Blues Bench Is Dressed As Natalie Gauvreau

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All it took was Stars fan Natalie Gauvreau to sit behind the Stars bench during Game 6 against the St. Louis Blues and now we have a guy sitting behind the Blues bench at Game 7 dressed as Natalie. That’s how things blow up into a viral sensation this time of year. I’m so proud of St. Louis for pulling this move tonight. It would’ve been easy to put a couple of ringers in those seats, but instead we get a guy wearing a blonde wig and trying to show chest.

Who is Natalie Gauvreau? She’s an actress who has a few credits over on IMDb and best known to BC readers as an Instagram model who has pumped out a few photos in her day. Now she’s best known as the woman behind the Stars bench.

Not a bad thing to be known about these days.

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Guy Steals 24 Bottles Of Henn Dogg From Wisconsin Costco
Guy Steals 24 Bottles Of Henn Dogg From Wisconsin Costco