James Harden Slaps Jazz Fan's Phone After He Calls Him The 'Worst Flopper In the NBA'

via Jason Glad/Facebook
Hell of a week it’s been for Jazz fans vs. NBA superstars. Last week, we obviously had the multiple Russell Westbrook incidents with the fan near the tunnel. Now last night they were back at it again and it was James Harden’s turn to deal with these shit talking Mormons.
This fan specifically went after Harden’s flopping and called him the ‘worst flopper in the league’. That’s when Harden slapped the phone and security got involved.
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This was in Houston, I might add. So, these fans are making players deal with this on their own home court now.
I figured Jazz fans were just a bunch of Mitt Romney’s in the stands, but it turns out they love shoving their phones in NBA players faces. Of all fan bases, who would’ve thought that the people of Utah would be the ones who get under NBA players skin’s the most? A real curveball for these NBA playoffs.

This very well could be the same guy

Westbrook vs. Jazz fan last week

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