Dedicated Rays Fan Sneaks Back Into Game After Getting Ejected For Interference

via Fox Sports Southwest/Twitter
The human element was very much a factor during today’s Rangers-Rays game, as the fan above with questionable fashion sense (for real, cargo pants and a fedora?!) caused confusion in the fifth inning by interfering with a live ball.
As you can see in the video below, our Rays supporter committed two baseball sins in a 30-second span by reaching over the outfield wall to make a catch, and then going for a decoy ball in his pants to throw back. Suffice it to say that he was not smooth at all and was ousted for his actions.

Honestly I despise everything about this guy. HOWEVER, he ended up doing his Rays a solid with umpires ruling that hit a double and not a home run.
But the story doesn’t end there! Eagle-eyed cameramen for Fox Sports Southwest later spotted the guy back in the stands, but with a new Rays shirt and cap. The man clearly needed his Rays baseball on Hump Day:

Tigers Fan Unfazed By Frigid Weather, Took In Game Shirtless
Tigers Fan Unfazed By Frigid Weather, Took In Game Shirtless