NASCAR Driver Ryan Ellis And Predators Defenseman Ryan Ellis Are Basically The Same Person

There’s a NASCAR driver named Ryan Ellis. There’s an NHL player for the Predators, currently playing in the Stanley Cup, who’s also named Ryan Ellis.
So this was a pretty funny little Twitter spree that NASCAR Ryan Ellis went on this afternoon. He’s known about the #OtherRyanEllis for some time now, as you can see here him finding out they both have dad’s named Jim:

But today it got weirder when Chris Gordon tweeted out that they also share middle names. That’s when NASCAR Ryan Ellis’ brain melted.

Just two Ryan James Ellis-es out in the world doing their thing. This also may be proof we’re living in the matrix. But nonetheless, a fun little story on a slow Friday afternoon.

Earlier this week, he made sure to distinguish the two in his Twitter profile

[h/t For The Win]

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