Did Phil Simms Rip A Nasty Fart On Jim Nantz During Steelers Game?

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Did Phil Simms work up a nasty fart to drop on Jim Nantz during a booth shoot during the 3rd quarter of the Dolphins-Steelers game? Being a male who has dropped bombs on buddies within closed confines, I have to say this definitely looks to be a Simms shit-bomb that has Nantz looking for cover.
And there’s precedent here. Remember 2016 when one of these two ripped a nasty wet fart during the Steelers-Broncos playoff game.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCHrUzqugrk]
Notice in yesterday’s video how Simms wafts that stench towards Jim’s nose. Old construction crew trick right there. Also notice how Simms chuckles just after the hand waft. Trying to maintain his composure without completely losing it.

I’m not the only one who thinks Jim got dusted:

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