Air Dragon Comes In Hot With a Deflategate Joke

People love nothing more than to hate on the NFL’s handling of Deflategate (godawful to be honest), but Team BC isn’t going to lie, we kinda thrived on it. There are certainly worse things to do than sift through Teflon Tom’s emails about pool covers.

And though the NFL squashed the Giants-Steelers Deflategate sequel, the legendary non-controversy will live on forever. Just when you think you’ve heard the last of it, you’ll be watching TV one day and be hit by this Air Dragon pump infomercial where they randomly drop PSI jokes with a guy wearing a No. 12 jersey:

If you know a Pats hater who needs a $40 pump for Christmas, there you go.

Michigan Newspapers Run “Lions Roped by Cowboys” Headline a Week Too Early
Michigan Newspapers Run “Lions Roped by Cowboys” Headline a Week Too Early
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