Miss Texas 2016 Bounces The First Pitch At The Astros Game

Meet Miss Texas 2016, Daniella Rodriguez. Last night she was granted the opportunity to throw out the ceremonial first pitch at the Astros game and let’s just say it didn’t go well. I mean she’s right up with there with 50 Cent and John Wall when it comes to first pitches. She’s no George Bush is basically what I’m trying to say.
Bounced it and wide left. Not even close.
[mlbvideo id=”1119179583″ width=”600″ height=”424″ /]
I can make fun of her because she’s unbelievably hot and life is easy for her. The easiest job in the world is being young and hot, let alone a pageant winner. Baseball just isn’t for her, I think we can all agree on that. Sometimes you bounce one, that’s just how it goes.
According to the Miss Texas website, she wants to be an actress one day. That’s a career for her I can get behind.

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