And then it happened. Tim Tebow used Adam Schefter to dispense the biggest non-football, but football-related, football news of 2016 as we roll on with NFL training camps. Tim Tebow will hold a tryout for MLB teams who might be interested in the services of a 29-year-old former baseball player – in high school.
You know how most men can’t hang ’em up after the career is finished? Not Tebow. He’s not going to look back and think ‘what if.’ He’s going balls to the walls trying to figure out if there’s still something left in the tank. He clearly needs competition – on his terms. He could’ve switched to tight end and some NFL team would’ve stuck him on the roster. Now we have a guy who thinks he can contribute down the stretch for a World Series contender. It’s inspirational to someone like me who’s in the pageviews business. This guy is a dream.
But we’re here to hear what the NSFWBDs think of all this. The reaction is all over the place. What’s clear is that the BDs are worn out by Tebow. They’d like him to take a seat and chill. But that’s just not who Timmy is. He’s not wired that way.
God created this body to be used.