If you don’t know who Chewbacca Mom is then I’m just going to assume you’ve been living in a cave for the last four weeks or so. But just to refresh your memory, a video of her opening and putting on a Chewbacca mask while she laughs hysterical went crazy viral last month to the tune of 156 million views. Yes, million.
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Since she’s gotten famous, Chewbacca Mom has been doing interviews everywhere and literally selling autographs to people, but I think the biggest honor she’s gotten was this invite to Tropicana Field yesterday to throw out a ceremonial first pitch alongside Chewbacca himself.
Chewbacca Mom’s first pitch was no laughing matter. https://t.co/cDJmHrdA2T pic.twitter.com/mXVInKyogH
— MLB GIFS (@MLBGIFs) June 12, 2016
I hope one day I can have just 1% of the joy in life this lady has.
The simple joys when Chewbacca Mom Candace Payne unwraps a @ChrisArcher22 Stormtrooper bobblehead. #RaysUphttps://t.co/2Bik3vAKCm
— Tampa Bay Rays (@RaysBaseball) June 11, 2016