There Were Two Awesome Brawls In Last Night's Playoff Hockey Action

I don’t have the slightest clue what I’m talking about when it comes to hockey, but every year when the playoffs roll around I’m always watching. Why? Well, the intensity is so ridiculous that you don’t even have to really understand what’s going on to be entertained, and also you might see one or two massive brawls like we had last night.
The first comes in the Red Wings-Lightning game. This could’ve easily been avoided seeing that there’s only about a minute left in a blowout game. But nope, hockey players are psychos and decided to go at it anyways.
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Now this second fight between the Islanders and Panthers was a little less wild.

Until you look closer.
Right to the nuts. You gotta love playoff hockey, both teams having a little party in the penalty box.

[h/t to Uproxx]

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