Sammy Sosa Celebrates 47th Birthday Dressed As Arabian Prince

Sammy Sosa had himself a big 47th birthday week in Dubai and topped it off with an Arabian prince party where guests dressed in their best Middle Eastern costumes. You’d think an Arabian prince costume party would be reserved for Sosa’s 50th. Why wait?
And it looks like someone found a belly dancer to entertain Slammin’ while he hit a hookah.
This must be a big time of year to hit Dubai. Robinson Cano was there a couple weeks ago in traditional attire. He even wore his attire to the desert for an Instagram pic. Slammin’ took his off for a similar photo – see below.
Sosa’s week also included a wild party at a club where a guy, in what looks like a Superman costume, carried bottles of champagne to Sammy while being held up by a couple guys. Looks like it’s going to be hard to top this at the 48th.
[via @Elreydelaradio]

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