Kylie Jenner Is 18, Kaep/Aldon Smith Feud Over Host & Ben Affleck Looks Exhausted

7 baseball games and a day soccer match. That’s it. You had your fun last night with second-string NFL action. Now comes the boring nights of baseball while we wait for more 2nd string football. Tigers-Royals, anyone?
Kylie Jenner is 18!
Kim Kardashian’s going through some changes
Ben Affleck looking exhausted, like he could use a nanny
Kaep & Aldon Smith were fighting over chick?
Ohio State’s odd new football jersey
NBA’s Josh Childress selling his pad w/decent TV room
Grown men (OSU fans) waiting on players to arrive at camp hotel
Meet Alexis from USC

Ump Reflex of the Month

Sandwich of the Day

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McNabb Likes Mia Khalifa, Saban Goes Boating & Cop Catches $10M In Coke
McNabb Likes Mia Khalifa, Saban Goes Boating & Cop Catches $10M In Coke
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