Those were the final tweets from Jessie James Decker, whom you’ve seen around these parts over the last couple years, before she deleted her account after a vicious day of attacks from Jets fans. This all started when Eric, Jessie’s husband, asked a simple question to Jets fans on Twitter: Tell me why you love the Jets.
It didn’t go well.
It got so bad that the NY Post put Jessie on the city edition cover.
Eric tried to calm things down, but it was still too late. Jessie checked out from 382,000 followers she had built up by posting nearly naked photos while Eric shined in Denver.
“You’ve got to expect that,” Decker said Thursday. “Obviously, everyone’s entitled to their opinion. I don’t think it’s against the law to try to unite or reach out to fans. When you’re in the position you are, people obviously enjoy winning a lot more than losing. I get that. They still love the team aspect. The more you can be apparent to them, the more you can be personal, I think the more they feel a part of the team.
As we all know, Eric took the most money that was thrown at him during the offseason and he ended up with the Jets. That’s probably what led to this tweet.
Jessie is 26. She’ll eventually figure out that the NFL stands for Not For Long. The fame is Not For Long. The money is Not For Long. And the love from fans who thought your husband would help the Jets win football games is Not For Long.