Skinny Damien Woody

Well, well, well look what we have here. Remember when Damien Woody was the loveable big guy on ESPN giving NFL insight? DW is back from his stint on “The Biggest Loser” and he’s a new man.
I normally don’t even think twice about ESPN talking heads, but Woody, who was listed at 6-3, 330 during his playing days, has always come across as a pretty good guy when he’s rapping with Linda Cohn about Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. I didn’t even think twice that he was huge since he was an NFL offensive lineman. He seemed happy, is well-spoken and provides quality insight. He went on the show and I didn’t even realize it.
Then @damienwoody just explodes back on the scene today with a new melon and daylight between his legs. I can kid with Woody. He’s Team BC.

Damien weighed in at 388 at the start of Loser. The show is still airing so he won’t reveal his new weight, but it’s definitely not close to 388.

You rip weight off a guy and he’s immediately going after Cari Champion. Can’t blame him at all. Do it, DW!

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